The works of strengthening the banks of the Amo River have started in Shortapa district of Balkh province

Wed, Feb 08 2023 11:14 AM

 The work of strengthening the banks of the Amo river in Shortapa district of Balkh province was started in the presence of Mr. Mujib ur Rahman Umar Akhundzada, Deputy Minister of Water, Ministry of Energy and Water, General Director of North River Basin Maulawi Abdul Hakim Haji Hekmat and some local officials of Balkh province.
The Deputy Minister of Water of the Ministry of Energy and Water said at the opening ceremony of the Amo river bank strengthening project that the work of strengthening the banks of the Amo river will be done in the four provinces of the country based on short-term and long-term plans.  The first part started from Shortapa district of Balkh province. 
It is worth mentioning that the project of strengthening the banks of the Amu River is being implemented to prevent the destruction of the agricultural lands and houses of the residents near the banks of the Amu River.

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