Acting Minister of Energy and Water met with the Governor of Nimroz

Sun, Jan 28 2024 2:23 PM

The Acting Minister of Energy and Water, H.E. Alhaj Mullah Abdul Latif Mansoor, met with the Governor of Nimroz, Honorable Sheikh Mohammad Qasim Khalid, in his office to discuss the implementation of water and energy projects in the province. 
During the visit, the Governor of Nimroz commended the Ministry of Energy and Water for its actions and the initiation of check dam projects in various provinces, contributing to water management and the enhancement of underground water resources. He regarded these efforts as a positive step. Additionally, the governor highlighted the challenges faced by the people of Nimroz in water and energy projects and requested cooperation from the ministry's leadership. The Acting Minister of Energy and Water assured the governor that the issues would be addressed within the available resources.

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